Thursday, April 30, 2015

Fruitful and purposeful life: Dr.Lala Surajnandan Prasad- by Aditya Bhushan

“There are various events which can be interpreted as an ‘incentive’ provided by divinity to help me fruitfully exploit the precious gift of Nature called ‘life’.”

Above are the words of Padma Shri Late DrLalaSurajNandan Prasad taken from his book “How to Live a Fruitful 100 Years”.Mere mortals like us are unable to interpret these incentives and end up living a mundane life. Whereas the great people make the most of these opportunities and I guess this is what separates them from the rest. Well, DrLala did not end up living for 100 years but the fruitfulness of his life is beyond questions. 

Early Years

DrLala was born on January 1, 1914 in Biharsharif (a small city in Bihar). His father Babu Ram Prasad Lalwas a lawyer by profession. DrLala was an exceptionally bright student since his childhood. He was given the Mackforsen gold medal and state scholarship for topping the Bhagalpur Division in High School. 

In 1933, upon completion of intermediate from Patna Science College; DrLala got married to Smt. Shakuntala Devi (daughter of Sri Kamla Prasad, a landlord from Sameli). He then took admission in the Prince of Wales Medical College (now Patna Medical College) and got a MBBS degree in 1939. After serving for close to a year in the state medical services at Danapur, Gopalganj, Navada&Supoul; on October 10th, 1940 he was appointed as the Deputy Superintendent at the Patna Medical College. Thus began his long association with Patna Medical College which lasted for more than 50 years. 

Higher Studies

In April 1945, he was given state scholarship by the government of Bihar to pursue his higher studies from London. During this time the World War II was still in progress and it was a cause of concern for DrLala’s parents. So, his mother consulted a well-known priest & astrologer - Pandit Vishnu Kant Jha who advised her to allow DrLala to go to London and also predicted that he will safely return to India after three years upon completion of his studies. 

With the blessings of his parents and well-wishers, DrLala reached London in the May of 1945 after travelling by ship for close to 35 days. London too was facing the repercussions of war and day to day life had been badly affected. In these trying times, DrLala got admitted for diploma course in the department of paediatrics at the prestigious London University. He then went on to complete MRCP from Edinburgh University, Scotland and also did a course in Social Paediatrics from Simpson’s maternity hospital, Edinburgh before returning to India in August, 1947. 

Beginning of 50 years’ service to mankind

While he was on his way back to Bombay (now Mumbai), India got freedom from the British on 15th August, 1947. In his own words, the independence was celebrated on board by hoisting the tricolor on the ship. Upon return to Patna, he joined the Patna Medical College and served as a lecturer in the paediatrics department from 1948 to 1961 and then as a professor from 1962 to 1971. 

Birth of Indian Academy of Paediatrics

Continuing his pursuit for the betterment of the department of paediatrics in India, DrLala became the founding president of the Indian Academy of Paediatrics in 1964. In his honor, the Patna Medical College founded “LalaSurajNandan Memorial Auditorium”. During his life time, he also served as the Honrary Director of Rajendra Memorial Research Institute (RMRI) in Patna and played an instrumental role in getting government funding for the institute. He was also a strong believer in Ayurveda and played a key role in the establishment of the Ayurvedic Regional Research Institute in 1980 in Patna. 

Post-retirement from government medical service, he continued his medical practice till as late as 93 years of age in Patna and earned a lot of fame both in India & abroad. His house also known as the “Ghadiwalaghar” (house with the clock) from where he did his practice always used to be surrounded by patients. He was a constant figure in medical conferences around the world for decades and presented more than 50 research papers. Government of India awarded him with the Padma Shri in 1974for his work on Kalaazar

Life beyond the medical world

DrLala’s life was not just confined to the medical world. He gave equal importance to his family life and in spite of his busy schedule always made it a point to spend quality time with his children & grandchildren. Weekly family picnic to his farm house in Danapurwas a routine event for a greater part of his life.

In his heydays (which lasted for close to three decades), his birthday celebration used to be a grand event and the guest list used to includethe who’s who of Patna. He was also a foodie and people say there was a hardly a day in his life when he did not eat non-vegetarian food. In his young days, DrLala was a keen footballer. Later on he developed a liking for Golf and was a regular at the Patna Golf Club.

He had a great passion for cars as well and owned cars like Pontiac, Impala among others at different point of time in his life. His children fondly recall the incident when he missed a train from Patna for Delhi and in an attempt to catch the train at subsequent stations with his car ended up driving all the way to Delhi.

He died at the age of 95 years on 22nd April, 2009 at his house in Patna and left behind a legacy for the world of paediatrics to follow.

Aditya Bhushan
Business Analyst, Accenture

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Padamshree Dr. Lala Surajnandan Prasad

डा0 लाला सूरजनन्दन प्रसाद जन्म जनवरी 1914 को बिहारशरीफ के एक प्रतिष्ठित कायस्थ परिवार में हुआ था। वे दो भाई और दो बहनों में सबसे छोटे थे। उनके पिता बाबू राम प्रसाद लाल पेशे से वकील थे। बाद में वे दुमका में बस गये तथा वहीं डा लाला ने प्राथमिक शिक्षा ग्रहण की। उन्हें हाईस्कूल में पूरे भागलपुर डिवीजन में प्रथम स्थान प्राप्त करने के उपलक्ष में मैक्फारसेन स्वर्ण पदक तथा उच्चतर अध्ययन के लिये प्रदेश सरकार की स्कालरशिप प्रदान की गयी। इसके पश्चात 1933 में पटना साईंस कालेज से इंटरमीडिएट की परीक्षा के पास करते ही इनका विवाह पुर्णिया के समेली के जमींदार श्री कामता प्रसाद जी की पुत्री शकुन्तला देवी से हुआ। इंटरमीडिएट के बाद उन्होंने प्रिंस आफ वेल्स मेडिकल कालेज में प्रवेश लिया तथा 1939  में एम0 बी0 बी0 एस0 की डिग्री प्राप्त की। एक वर्ष के इन्टर्नशिप के पश्चात 10 अक्टूबर 1940 से प्रादेशिक स्वास्थ सेवा के अन्तर्गत असिस्टेंट सिविल सर्जन के पद पर दानापुर, गोपालगंज, नवादा एवं सुपौल के प्राथमिक सेवा केन्द्रों में काम करने के पश्चात उनका स्थानान्तरण पटना मेडिकल कालेज में डिप्टी सुपरिटेन्डेन्ट के पद पर हो गया। अप्रैल 1945 में लन्दन से उच्च शिक्षा ग्रहण करने के लिये बिहार सरकार द्वारा स्कालर्शिप प्रदान की गयी। उस समय लन्दन पानी के जहाज से जाना था तथा विश्वयुद्ध के चलते इनके माता-पिता बहुत चिंतित थे। इनकी माता जी चुपके से इनकी जन्मपत्री लेकर पंडित विष्णु कान्त झा जी के पास चली गयीं और पूछा कि उनका बेटा लन्दन से सही सलामत लौटेगा कि नहीं? जब उन्होंने बताया कि डा लाला ३ वर्ष बाद उच्च शिक्षा ग्रहण करके सकुशल वपस आ जायेंगे तभी उन्हें लन्दन जाने की अनुमति दी गयी
विश्वयुद्ध के कठिन हालातों का सामना करते हुये डा0 लाला 35 दिनों की समुद्री यात्रा पूरी कर मई 1945 में लन्दन पहुँचें। उस समय विश्व युद्ध और जर्मनी कि वायुसेना की बमबारी के कारण लन्दन शहर विकट परिस्थितियों से गुजर रहा था। रहने के लिये ठिकाना मुश्किल था, खाने-पीने के सामानों की राशिनिंग थी, तथा दूध-अंडा केवल बच्चों एवं गर्भवती महिलाओं के लिये सुरक्षित था।
इन विकट परिस्थितियों में, अथक प्रयास के पश्चात डा0 लाला को लन्दन युनिवर्सिटी के अस्पताल में शिशु रोग में डिप्लोमा के क्लास अटेंड करने की अनुमति मिल गयी। डिप्लोमा कोर्स खत्म करते करते विश्वयुद्ध समाप्त हो गया था। इसके पश्चात उन्होंने स्काट्लैन्ड के इडिंगबर्ग यूनिवर्सिटी के प्रथम पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट कोर्स इन इन्टर्नल मेडिसिन मे प्रवेश लिया। एम0 आर0 सी0 पी0 परीक्षा (शिशु रोग स्पेशल पेपर) पास करने के पश्चात् डा लाला ने सिम्पसन मेटरनिटी हास्पिटल, इडिंगबर्ग से सोशल पेडियाट्रिक्स का ज्ञान अर्जित किया। तत्पश्चात् उन्होंने लन्दन से मुम्बई तक की समुद्री यात्रा 16 दिनों में सम्पन्न की। यात्रा के दौरान 15 अगस्त 1947 को देश आजाद हुआ और सभी यात्रियों ने जहाज पर ही ध्वजारोहण किया और आजादी का जश्न मनाया। पटना वापस आकर उन्होंने मेडिकल कालेज के शिशु रोग विभाग में लेक्चरर के पद पर 1948-61 तक अध्यापन का कार्य किया तथा इसी विभाग में प्रोफेसर के पद पर 1962-71 तक रहे। उनकी हार्दिक इच्छा थी कि पटना में एक चिल्ड्रेन अस्पताल हो। वे इसके लिये काफी समय से प्रयत्नशील थे। उनके अथक प्रयास से मेडिकल कालेज के प्रांगण में बच्चों की चिकित्सा के लिये अलग से चिल्ड्रेन अस्पताल (अपग्रेडेड डिपार्टमेंट आफ पेडियाट्रिक्स) की स्थापना की गयी। इसके प्रथम विभागाध्यक्ष के रुप में उन्होंने 1971 तक कार्य किया।
            वे अपने इस कार्यकाल में कुशल चिकित्सा के साथ-साथ शोध में भी अग्रणी रहे। उनके लगभग 50 शोधपत्र प्रकाशित हो चुके हैं तथा इतने ही राष्ट्रीय एवं अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय कान्फ्रेस/ सेमिनार में उन्होंने शोधपत्र प्रस्तुत किये। वे “कालाजार” की चिकित्सा में भी अग्रणी रहे तथा कई एम0 डी0 एवं पी0 एच0 डी0 के शोधकर्ताओं के सुपर्वाइजर भी रहे। डा0 लाला 1964 में स्थापित “इंडियन एकेडमी आफ पेडियाट्रिस” के फाउन्डर प्रेसिडेंट भी थे। उनके सम्मान में पटना मेडिकल कालेज में “लाला सूरजनन्दन मेमोरियल आडिटोरियम” स्थापना की गई।
सेवानिवृत  होने के पश्चात् वे अपने नाला रोड, कदमकुआं, पटना स्थित निवास से शिशुरोग चिकित्सा मे लग गये। इस दौरान उन्हें काफी ख्याति मिली तथा भारत में ही नहीं विदेशों में भी उनके काफी प्रशंसक बने। रिटायर्मेन्ट के बाद भी उन्होंने अपना शोध जारी रखा तथा लगभग हर वर्ष “इन्टर्नेशनल पेडियाट्रिकस” कान्फरेंसों में शोध पत्र प्रस्तुत करते रहे।
उन्होंने अगमकुआँ में भारत के प्रथम राष्ट्रपति डा राजेन्द्र प्रसाद के नाम पर स्थापित “राजेन्द्र मेमोरियल रिसर्च इंस्टीच्यूट” के मानक निदेशक के रुप में भी कई वर्षों तक कार्य किया। संस्था को चलाने के लिये भाग दौड़  कर बिहार, बंगाल, उडीसा तथा केन्द्र सरकारों से अनुदान लाते थे। उस समय वहाँ पर दमा एवँ कालाजार पर अनुसंधान को प्राथमिकता दी गयी थी। रोगियों में प्रोटीन की कमी को दूर करने के लिये  प्रोटीन एक्स्ट्रैक्टर मशीन लगायी गयी। इससे पालक का प्रोटीन निकाल कर बर्फी बनवाकर रोगियों को दिया जाता था।  उनका आयुर्वेद में भी विश्वास था तथा उनके प्रयास से 1980 में आयुष विभाग, स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार द्वारा संस्था के प्रांगण में ही “क्षेत्रीय आयुर्वेद अनुसंधान संस्थान” की स्थापना की गयी। इस संस्था द्वारा आज भी रोगियों को आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सा एवं दवाईयां निशुल्क दी जाती हैं। डा लाला के प्रयास से “राजेन्द्र मेमोरियल रिसर्च इंस्टीट्यूट” का संचालन 1984 से भारत सरकार के “इंडियन काउंसिल आफ मेडिकल रिसर्च” द्वारा हो रहा है।
व्यक्तिगत जीवन में भी डा लाला काफी संवेदनशील थे तथा उनका परिवार के साथ-साथ अपने भाई बहनों के परिवारों से भी काफी लगाव था। सभी के लिये डा लाला का घर शिक्षा एवं चिकित्सा का केन्द्र रहा। उनके कार्य में व्यस्त रहने के कारण घर की सारी जिम्मेदारियाँ उनकी धर्मपत्नी श्रीमति शकुन्तला देवी बडी कुशलता से उठाती थीं।
डा0 लाला बडे शौकीन व्यक्ति थे। खाने में विभिन्न प्रकार के नानवेज व्यंजनों में कबाब और मछ्ली काफी पसंद थी। अच्छा पहनना, अच्छा खाना, तथा अच्छी गाडियों के शौक के साथ गोल्फ खेलना भी बहुत पसंद था। वे लगभग 75 वर्ष की आयु तक इसे खेलने के लिये पटना गोल्फ क्लब जाया करते थे।
स्वर्गीय डा जयप्रकाश नारायण से इनका घरेलू संबंध था। जयप्रकाश जी को डा लाला पर इतना भरोसा था कि उनकी किसी भी चिकित्सा में इनकी उपस्थिति अनिवार्य थी। रिटार्यमेन्ट के पश्चात लगभग 35 वर्ष तक चिकित्सा करते हुये 95 वर्ष की आयु में 22 अप्रैल 2009 को पटना में उनका देहावसान हो गया। वे अपने पीछे 5 पुत्र, 3 पुत्रियों तथा पौत्र और प्रपौत्रों से भरा परिवार छोड़ गये हैं।

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Press Release: Mother and Child Care workshop at Shabd Barh

Dedicated to Dr.Lala Surajnandan on his 6th Death Anniversary

Dainik Bhaskar 24-4-15 pg 11

Qaumi Tanzeem 24-4-15 pg 5

Prabhat Khabar 25-4-15 pg 8

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Remembering Dr.Lala Surajnandan Prasad

On his 6th death anniversary 


Being very small when I last met him, I can only remember my fascination with his cars and his fountain pens, one of which he gifted me.
My mother tells me he had treated the diarrhea I had as a baby when no other doctor could, and that he was fond of me.

Apoorv Nandan,
IIT Guwahati


I wanted to share a memory in remembrance of my Grand Father. 

"A Doctor With a Heart Who Used to Challenge His Limits: One of the most vivid memory that I have of my grandfather is despite of being such a great doctor, I remember him sitting in distress at one of those times when he was humbled by humanly limitations. Many doctors accept the fact that a doctor can only do so much but my grandfather won't accept that for once. In those times, I watched him constantly contemplating what should have / could have gone differently. He would probably make amends to his approach and rise fearlessly to face that battle again and because of him a child would get a chance to live his / her entire life ahead of him. I feel so proud to have been a small witness to such a great man's life. His spirit still touches my life everyday!"

Thanks for organizing this and reaching out to all of us. 

Much Appreciated,

(Revenue Finance Manager, 
Google Inc, Mountain View, California, USA)

Full of life, twinkle in his eyes even in his late 90s, he is always going to be an inspiration on how to live a fruitful life - 


He was a father like father- in - law to me---- very affectionate and caring ! Everybody was scared of his towering personality. But we knew , he had a heart of gold. I wish him everyday in the morning in my daily morning puja.we love you babuji and miss you. 

Rani Prasad

The epithet of Dr. Lala Suraj Nandan Prasad ........  

He was the founder of pediatrics concept in Bihar in 1947. He  was a devoted , dedicated selfless person for child welfare as well as an affectionate father.His innovative research work in the field of pediatrics had paved the way for medical guidance.

 S. N. Prasad.

The medical world and a huge number of parents who benefitted from treatment of their ailing children remember my father, Dr.LalaSurajnandan Prasad as an exemplary doctor. Many paediatricians who are themselves highly successful in their profession not only in Bihar but all over the country recall his contribution to the research and development in paediatrics. However, not many are aware of the importance that he used to assign to the special relationship between mother and child which is at the very root of the health of a child right from the newborn state to the very crucial formative years. The organizer of this workshop deserves special mention and praise for selecting the theme of this workshop so aptly dedicated to my father.
Among many thoughts and remembrances that spontaneously come to me, I fondly recall the mutual concern between my grandmother and my father. I can now visualize a direct dependenceof the success and fame that my father achieved on the love, affection, and strong bond between a mother and his son. A mother never differentiates between her children. She has equal concern for all of them. This becomes more apparent here, as my uncle who was much elder to my father was equally successful in his profession as a lawyer and head of a large family.
No doubt, leading a successful life is important but perhaps more important is leading a purposeful life. If one has achieved both, then it sets an example for others to emulate. My father certainly belonged to this category. His approach full of calmness in handling complex situations that occur in every human life is remembered by all those not only belonging to the family but a large group of people comprising of his colleagues, students, friends and well-wishers. Nowonder, he led a long and healthy life.
There is no single recipe for success and leading a purposeful life. Perhaps, it is more concerned with the intensity of your involvement in a work, a clear vision of your goal and the honesty and purity of the means adopted by you. There is no better example than our father of our nation, Mahatma Gandhi. I remember my father recalling his brief encounter with Gandhiji at Patna on the bank of Ganga when he was a medical student in the then Prince of Wales Medical College at Patna. The influence that Gandhiji cast on my father could be observed clearly in his eyes even many decades after this incidence.
Having spent my life in relatively big cities, I am honestly surprised of the effort put in by the organizer of this workshop in Barhespecially by a pre-school, so simply and aptly named ‘SHABD’. I am sure that such initiatives in smaller towns and cities will bring the real change in our society and take the country to greater heights and ensure its rightful place and position in the world.

Senior Scientist, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Department of Atomic Energy, Indore

&Mrs.AparnaNandan, Senior Teacher, Emerald Heights International School, Indore

Son & Daughter-In-Law

"What can I say about my father , a person full of life and ready to face any circumstances. Made difficulty look like a peanut. Took challenges in life and made it appear simple.A dedicated doctor and a pioneer in the field of research.Hats off to such a man"

 - Nitu (youngest daughter)


"The thought of Nanaji sends me years back in memory and the priceless times spent with him in Patna during vacations. He would invariably find time to play with us kids, tell stories and take us out around. I was too small then to understand the extent of his achievements. 

When I look back now, his energy level amazes me. Come to think of it that after spending hours with patients he had the energy level to play with us and here people like me are tired after just spending 8 hours in a desk job. I would be grateful to god if I get even a small fraction of his energy level,"

Aditya Bhushan
Dr Lala's Grandson


"My father in law- a supremely confident person. He had utmost belief in himself and was totally dedicated to his profession. In the later part of his professional career when medical profession was becoming more and more commercialised, he still remained true to medical ethics and beliefs. Even though he was the top most paediatrician of his time, he charged the lowest of fees amongst all known paediatricians. I salute 'the Doctor', who remained at the top for 30 long years. Unbelievable!" 

- S B Prasad
 (Youngest son-in-law)


My Father was the pioneer of Pediatrics in Bihar and worked throughout his life to improve and save life of woman and children. I must thank Abhishek for taking initiatives to organize Mother and Child care workshop in Shabd pre-school.
 Death changes everything but time changes nothing.I still miss your voice and the wisdom of your advice. Six long years have passed since you left this world but I still often find myself missing you. Not a single day passed by when I don't remember you. Yo r memory will be growing stronger with every passing year.

Thank You,
Rita Sinha
(D/O of Lala Suraj Nandan Prasad)


It was an immensely pleasurable moment of my life when Abhishek Suman my student told me that he had opened a school SHABD at Barh, Patna. I was delighted to know the noble cause of social upliftment and maintaining the legacy of his father. When he was a student at IFTM Moradabad I used to find him hardworking and dedicated towards his work. He has a creative brain and always want to do something creative.

Imparting the knowledge about the MOTHER AND CHILD CARE at grassroots level was the  vision of my nanaji and is the need of the day. Organising a MOTHER AND CHILD CARE workshop at SHABD PRE SCHOOL , at Barh and dedicating it to him on the 6th death anniversary makes his dream come true.

My nanaji always used to say that one should what he wants to do, and work hard with a passion to complete it; moreover he used to say he decided to be a doctor at the age of 10 and then worked hard for it. Everone knows the name and fame he has in field of paediatrics.  The step taken by Abhishek  a few years after completing  his post graduation is commendable. May god bless him success in future endeavor. Rest in peace nanaji we are here to maintain you long lived legacy.

Stuti Lal
Grand daughter


During my student life, as a student of State Ayurvedic College, Kadam Kaun Patna. I was fascinated to the huge number of patients, mostly from outside Patna,in front of the clinic of Late Dr.Lala Surajnandan Prasad from morning to midnight.More fascinating was the way he examined the patients. I have seen him examining the patientthoroughly without asking a single question from parents. Only at the time of prescribing medicines he usually asks "kya takleef hai".He was so soft hearted that he seldom prescribed injections to childrens and infants.

 Whole heartedly  congratulations to Abhishek Suman and Shabd Pre School for organising this event. On this occasion I feel elevated by dedicating the products of Pratap Pharmaceuticals to most honoured child specialist of the country Late Dr. Lala Surajnandan Prasad.

Dr. V.Pratap
Pratap Pharmaceuticals


I was very young child when my nanaji used to practice as a physician.I only remember  that he was fully devoted to his profession. He used to examine at least 30-40 patients in a day and then also he used to spare time for me and my cousins whenever we were there in vacations.

I remember one Sunday he decided that he would take us to farmhouse at Danapur and asked the driver to come early morning.

On Sunday the driver did not appeared in the morning. At the age of 70+ he said I had promised you kids so I will take you myself. He drove the car himself and took us to the farmhouse. After coming back he said you should do what you have thought of. Look at the age of 70+ I kept my promise. Time and destiny does not give you a second chance.

RIP nanaji. I am thankful to the organizers and shabd pre school for remembering him.

Vineet Kumar Lal
(Eldest Nati)


I still remember four things which my father-in-law, Late Dr. Lala Surajnandan Prasad said during my first visit to Patna,after marriage(i) Research needs thorough knowledge (ii) Go on working as long as you can (III)Never say no to a person whom you can help and (iv) respect is commanded not demanded.These were the driving force behind my more than 40 years of career in Government and private institutions.

My SHISH-NAMAN  to the personality and thanks to Shabd Pre School for making this event a success.



I convey my sincere thanks to the management of Shabd Pre School for arranging this program in the memory of my father Late. Dr. Lala Surajnandan Prasad,who was a well known pediatrician from Bihar.He was the founder president of Indian Academy of  pediatrics and was honored  for the contribution to the society by the award of Padam Shri by Govt. of India. May god bless him in his peaceful heavenly abode.

Pushpa Lal
Eldest Daughter


It's indeed a pleasure to write even a small foot note for a such a great person. I got aware of his academic excellence and medical acumen through medical journals few yrs ago coz of obvious generation gap, and those were extraordinary by all means. He was class apart and set the bench mark of a thorough medical practitioner too high. His persona and personal life were too full of stories which are equally extraordinary. I got first hand experience of this at my recent visit to Patna. Every family member or visitor had something or other to tell about him.  There was n number of stories about his daily rituals of life as well as solving complicated medical cases with ease , both were equally enjoyable to hear and visualize. His dedications to common man and to the family is worth to listen . He appeared to be a super man who touched numerable life in his life time. I could able to visualize him sitting for breakfast , getting daily oil massage, getting ready  with gentle man dress, seeing patients  and enjoying parties to the fullest all in one day. I could feel his presence all over. May god give us strength to justify his passion for life and to help others. I just wish I could have met him even once just to watch him and touch him to tell future generation .. Yes such person walked once on earth as Einstein told about Gandhi. May god bless his soul to rest in peace.

Dr mohitesh srivastava
Grand son in law

I've lived my childhood days with my grand father. Who always took pride in telling everybody that I will b d next doctor of my generation. But before I could complete my mbbs he left us. I really miss him. Miss d great opportunity of working with d greatest doctor I knew. 

Remembering d long summer vacations in which v all cousins played n were awarded gifts based on our talents by "baba".

He was a person full of life with strong will power n dedication n has been a guiding light for me.
It has been six long years n I still dream of him talking to me. I miss him d most.
I miss him.. I wish he was there to c me fulfil his dreams.
May God bless his soul to rest in peace.

Dr. Shruti Nandan
Grand daughter


He was my great grandfather and from all I have heard about him from mom.I feel very proud to be and fortunate to be part of his family.Few moments spent with him shall always be cherished. Long live his legacy.

Anusha Dhar


In fond remembrance of greater healer of adventing humans.

Dadaji of Anusha


To respected Doctor Dada,
Your work and unbiased ethics will forever stay in our heart.Your contribution in the field of work will be missed .Your birthday on 1 Jan is still remembered as a joyful festival.We always look forward to. May your soul rest in peace.

Manjari Dhar(Vimmi)
Granddaughter of Dr.Lala's Sister






Mother and child care workshop was organised by Shabd Pre School,Barh,Patna on the ocassion of 6th death aniversary of Dr. Lala Surajnanadan Prasad am eminent pediatrician .A large number of participants participated in the event. Remembrance messages were received not only from India but from abroad. This function was inaugurated by Famous pediatrician Dr.Anjesh from,Barh, inaugurated  the event who told that Dr.Lala was not only a doctor but was an institution in itself; His contribution was unparalleled in the field of medical science.

To know the bonding between mother and child a competition was organised. Abhishek Suman, Director,Shabd, Pre School, announced Dr.Lala Surajnandan Prasad memorial award for healthy child and Dr. Virendra Pratap and Dr.V.K.Lal of Pratap Pharmaceuticals, dedicated their products to Dr.Lala. Educationist Suresh Prasad, told that it is important to spare time for their children.Free medicines were distributed by principal Mrs.Hemlala, and shri Anil Sinha in the supervision of Dr.Anjesh. On this ocassion Dr.Shrestha, Shwet Kamal, and shamshad Alam were also present.